What Real Customers Are Saying About the iPhone 14 With AT&T

picture of new iphone

There’s nothing quite like hearing from other customers when you are shopping for a new phone or a new wireless plan. Here are some of the positive things that real AT&T customers have said about iPhone 14 with AT&T.

“Great phone! I love the display size and how light the phone is. FaceID is my favorite feature, the phone unlocks so fast you won’t even notice. I also love all of the safety and security features.” –Travis

“I went from a 12 to a 14. I like that the 14 has more GB than the 12. Both are the same but different as well. I didn’t have a hard time activating my phone. I didn’t call anyone. This phone works good and I’m just glad I have better service especially coming from Sprint/T-Mobile” –Anonymous

“I upgraded from the iPhone X because the battery on my c was depleted. I read the reviews on the different models of the new iPhone and chose this one because there was no complaints on the battery life. They didn’t disappoint. I’m on my phone constantly for work so I need a phone with a good battery and this is it. I can talk and text all day at work and still have plenty of battery when I get home. The picture quality is great as well. I’m glad I went with this model.” –SEllis3

“The best processor and generally the phone is cool and comfortable. Quality, excellent mobile specs. net wifi reception is good, performance, reliability. When I started using this smartphone, my world changed to before and after. I recommend everyone to buy this phone. Worth its money.” –Nik77

“I love it. When I ordered it the service was outstanding. I got the phone the next day.” – Johnnie Miles

“I haven’t charged my phone all day and my phone is at 34 percent and I love the style of this phone” – Emily


Sound like something you might like? Visit the AT&T website to see our latest iPhone deals for both new and existing customers.

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